Superior Nutrients
This line up of superior nutrients is designed to take the guesswork out of your fertilizer program. We aim to provide the best value to the grower with each product. Rather than having countless options with minimal differences, we are working to provide the best value products to build the strongest plants possible.
Edens Envy has an immense energy capacity, carries a high carbon load and works through phosphite pathways. Edens Envy is a 4-6-4 with Micro and Nano nutrients to create a stable vigorous growth.
eNergy is a quick response Nitrogen that does not take energy away from the plant to process. This is ideal when plants are in stress or when we need nitrogen but do not want the negative side effects of a nitrogen application.
Deuces is a Zinc, Manganese, Boron Blend that is focused on bud health. Deuces is a great foliar fertilizer that is used during bud initiation and bud development as well as an efficient tool when addressing deficiencies.
Kalibrate is an exceptionally effective potassium fertilizer. When compared to the most popular potassium fertilizers Kalibrate is typically 2-4X more effective. Kalibrate also increases carbohydrate translocation and drought tolerance.

An Ammoniacal Nitrogen that includes sulfur and alpha hydroxy acids working to control soil pH and give permanent crops the form of nitrogen that they need.
A starter and pop up fertilizer to create superior crop uniformity. 7-25-5 is an orthophosphate that is essential when soil temps are low to get phosphorus into the plant when it is needed.
A mid season growing fertilizer that has the right ratio of N & K to create excellent fruit quality.
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We want to help you grow the highest quality fruits and vegetables in the world and leave a legacy that matters.